1.) David Harsanyi asks Will Sen. Biden Apologize To The Haditha Marines?
2.) TigerHawk looks at Why Sen. Biden Is Unpopular In Iraq. (Hint: it rhymes with "schmartition", a plan that I think was always schmidiotic.)
Great quote at the end:
Anyway, it is a reflection of the diminishing political significance of the Iraq war that Barack Obama, who secured the Democratic nomination in part by making much of his opposition to the war and his plan to withdraw our troops on a fast schedule, is now able to pick as his running mate a senator who voted for the invasion in 2002 and whose favored "solution" would have required more rather than less American involvement in Iraqi domestic politics.3.) From an old Peggy Noonan column about the good Delawarean Senator (HT: The Corner):
The great thing about Joe Biden during the Alito hearings, the reason he is, to me, actually endearing, is that as he speaks, as he goes on and on and spins his long statements, hypotheticals, and free associations--as he demonstrates yet again, as he did in the Roberts hearings and even the Thomas hearings, that he is incapable of staying on the river of a thought, and is constantly lured down tributaries from which he can never quite work his way back--you can see him batting the little paddles of his mind against the weeds, trying desperately to return to the river but not remembering where it is, or where it was going. I love him. He's human, like a garrulous uncle after a drink.A-effin-men.
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