21 August 2008

The Key To Victory?

I know it's the equivalent of picking the low-hanging fruit when you analyze any specific Huffington Post piece, but allow me a moment to point out this gem by Jeff Madrick, a former NYTimes economics columnist.

To distill the entire bag of fruit down to a Flintstone vitamin, Madrick feels that the reason for the current decline in Obama's polling numbers is because the Illinois senator won't raise taxes.
"There are solutions, but not if we don't raise money. What are Obama's people taking about instead? Modest tax cuts for the middle class! Right out of the Third Way playbook. It is nonsense, tragic nonsense. It will backfire.

Americans will put up a little more tax money to solve its serious problems if they are asked. They are willing to share in the pain. If they understand such tax money will be spent to make them better off, relieve their concerns, save their future.

I just can't believe this emphasis of Obama's on minor tax cuts. Now is the time to be bold and maintain the courage of one's convictions."

Duh! That's got to be it! There are millions of Americans out there, sitting in their living rooms, talking over coffee:

"Ya know, Sam, I'm sick of these bums in Washington who just refuse more of my money. I mean, I just called my Senator's office, asking where I could send the extra 10,000 dollars I have, where in government it's most needed. Would you believe that he told me: 'Sir, I appreciate it, but that money is your own. You'll know how to better spend that money than I would.'? He just lost my vote!"

If only Senator Obama knew!

Mr. Madrick, attempting to end his imminently reasonable piece with a level-headed closing phrase, writes:
"This is not a class room. It is not a mere conversation. It is a battle for the truth and the future. It may be our last chance."

Well, I'm just gobsmacked with his reasoning and sensible position.

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