09 February 2009

Freedom Steel In The Time of Chaos: Or, Why Liberty Is Important Even When The State Spends $2 Trilli In 5 Months.

I’m pretty doggone sick today. A serious case of the snuffles and mubblefubbles.

How sick, you ask? So sick as to think that the word “doggone” is acceptable in polite blogospheres.

Anyway, I don’t know if it’s the medication on my brain, or if it’s the bombardment of “stimulus” and “TARP” and “crisis” and “credit infusion”, but I have a bleak view of the roads ahead. I’m pretty pessimistic about the future, about my chance to freely earn my own living and live in liberty. Doesn’t look like it’s going to be happening in my life time, and none of my parents’ generation seems to care. Sorta disillusionin’, to be perfectly honest.

Well, when I find myself in times of trouble, Grampa Milty comes to me…

Here’s Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

It’s a bracing watch, and it’s a great enhearkenment* to the gospel of liberty. His political/economic theory (espoused in the Yubes videos above) is as close to my own views as I’ve found on the internet.

So, in closing my disease-addled rant…

*Feebly raises pasty, sweaty head from pillow, stares hauntingly straight through the Steadicam 8 inches in front of his face*

<cough, hack up spittle, cough>

ME: As long as someone knows the truth, as long as you out there heed the words of Milton The Resolute, as long as my corpse is plastinated and screwed into a Section 23 seat at Michigan Stadium, THEN I shall not have lived in vain!!! LIVE TO MAKE GRAMPA MILTY PROUD!!!

<death rattle/Hokey Pokey of the Alveoli, I see the end and she’s coming quickly.>

*Collapses back into thin reed pillow provided by kindly Côn Sơn Island prison guard.*

[cut to black]


*I know I made it up, but it should sooooo be a word. W000 WORD-MAKIN ON TUSSIN!

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