02 September 2008

Links, Links, I Could Link All Week

-- Jeffrey Goldberg (Personal motto: "No, you wanted the other 'J. Goldberg' pundit. *Sigh*") has a great little post here re: Palin-palooza and real political issues. Keep preachin' Mr. Goldberg.

-- From the Daily Telegraph:
Israr Ullah Zehri, who represents Baluchistan province, told a stunned parliament that northwestern tribesman had done nothing wrong in first shooting the women and then dumping them in a ditch.

"These are centuries-old traditions, and I will continue to defend them," he said.

But we're the blood-thirsty monsters, apparently.

-- Dexter Filkins, a passionate reporter for the NY Times, and one of the best I might add, even if I occasionally disagree with him, checks back with Iraq.
"On Monday, following a parade on a freshly paved street, American commanders formally returned responsibility for keeping order in Anbar Province, once the heartland of the Sunni insurgency, to the Iraqi Army and police force. The ceremony capped one of the starkest turnabouts in the country since the war began five and a half years ago."
Read the whole thing, and keep in mind that Filkins isn't a GOP toadie, either.

-- Reppin' the Rocky Mountains, I have to link to the prescient and meant-for-bigger-things, Adam Brickley and his blog Draft Sarah Palin For VP. You want amazing? He's been on the Palin wagon (Palin snowsled perhaps?) since 2007. He also has a link to a video of industrial-grade celebretardedness from Diddy. More on this video later.

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