-For all my posts about getting more support from Europe for Afghanistan, Britain isn't listening very well. Saddening and infuriating.
- Superstar John Nagl, over at Intel Dump, posts about the success in the Triangle of Death, now called the Triangle of Love. (Must...resist...urge to make....juvenile joke.) Between this post and this interview, I think I'm detecting an almost giddy undertone to Nagl's analysis. But, as he says: "No happy dancing in the end zone."
- Given all the furor surrounding the U.S. economy, it's understandable that the state of the Iranian economy is underreported. It's vital, though, that it's effects aren't underestimated. I mean, can you just lop three zeroes off your prices and think you've solved a problem? I got Mugabe's cell number right here, Mahmoud. Ask him what he thinks of inflation.
- A tip of the cap to the Miami Herald for their classy editorial, "Gen. Petraeus: A job well done." Get on the train for Petraeus 2016, every body! It probably means something that this piece is such a rarity in today's papers, but I don't want to think about it. I'll just get angry and have to get blood pressure medication.
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