29 September 2008

View From The Top, 29 September 2008

This'll be a short one, folks, as real world duties call at the moment. Perhaps more later today.

-- Vis-a-vis the debate last Friday: Uber Pig has a post on Blackfive about the bracelets worn by both candidates and their intended effect on the voter. It's a must read.

-- Captain's Journal has some added thoughts from Maj. Gen. Schloesser posted re: the 08-09 winter fight between Taliban and coalition forces. Love the line:
If the U.S. command has their way, it’ll be a tougher winter for the Taliban.


-- DefenseTech has some stuff up about cyber-security with very disturbing statistics on cyber-breaches of DoD. This might be blindingly stupid of me, and I know it's unfeasible, but I wonder: how many of these breaches would be preventable by switching to Linux based operating systems? They're waaaay more secure than Windows, and it offers up much more operational flexibility.

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