"It was easy to read the message in his entrails. Man was matter, that was Snowden's secret. Drop him out a window and he'll fall. Set fire to him and he'll burn. Bury him and he'll rot, like other kinds of garbage. The spirit gone, man is garbage. That was Snowden's secret."
"The world always needs heretics to challenge the prevailing orthodoxies." --Freeman Dyson.
Here are some my own, updated from time to time: 1. Japan is crazy. Craaaazy.
2. The U.S. didn't fund Osama bin Laden in the 80's in Afghanistan. Again: the U.S. didn't fund Osama bin Laden in the 80's in Afghanistan. Stop staying it. It's not true.
3. Most allergies are a crock of crap. Even more broadly, many diseases we fear are: rarely contracted, pyscho-somatically produced, or easily cured. We live in America, one of the healthiest nations in human history. We as a nation (but mainly upper-class white people) need to get over ourselves.
4. We are committing a grievous wrong against our troops. GWB's "go to the mall" policy is wrong-minded and crippling. The troops feel isolated and unappreciated, and the pressure we place upon them is unnecessary and cruel. As a general says: "Their families are tired. The country is not at war. The Armed Forces and CIA are at war. We are at the point of breaking faith with our troops."
5. In order to extract all emotional dross and sharpen our focus on the issue of efficiency in the health care debate, we shall all replace the words "health care" with "automotive care". Largely similar in mechanics, refreshingly non-hysterical in dialogue.
6. Barack Obama cut his political teeth in Chicago. Let me reiterate: Obama is a politician from Chicago. Not saying anything else but that. Chicago, the city synonymous with dead voters, Al Capone, and corruption. Chicago. (Note: I made this comment back in July 08, waaay before the Blagojevich fiasco. Just sayin'...)
7. Michelle Obama isn't an angry woman, despite the Right's characterizations. She might be a woman too smitten with her husband, and she definitely overstates her beliefs from time to time, but all references to her anger are either deceitful or delusional.
8. If you were like me, and thought that England (United Kingdom, whatever) was a land that remembers it's Burkes, Gladstones, and Churchills, you're mistaken.
1 comment:
A chair that walks for you...hilarious!
Also hilarious, Japanese trying to pronounce "California Rolls."
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