03 November 2008

*Format Change*

Okay, I've been running with this "View From The Top" style for about 6 weeks, I think, and I've decided to change it up. It dawned on me yesterday afternoon, when I saw some old man walking down my street with two gigantic Sunday-edition papers under his arm. I thought to myself, "Geez, there's no way he can read all that. Why does he even lug it around?"

While it might be nice to see a dossier-style update in the morning with your coffee, it's bulky and unwieldy, and really just mimicing a format (an "actual" newspaper).

So, I'm breaking up the Views From The Top into individual links. Hopefully this allows me to add more content to the site. I also hope to start using tags, pain in the netherparts though they be.

Actual newsposts and comments to come.

That is all.

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