05 November 2008

Promises, Promises

Just keepin' track of all the praise. I, for one, will not forget that Obama ran promising that he could do things. There will be no acceptance of "Gee, Bush screwed things up more than I thought. I need more time." Eff that. According to the press and the Left, Bush was more culpable than Clinton for the mistakes leading to 9/11, even though he had been in office for all of 9 months. Bush was more culpable for the Fannie and Freddie b.s. than Clinton. Well, Obama will be culpable for anything that happens when he's President, and his supporters have no right to dissemble.

Here's a list from Editor and Publisher surveying newspaper editorials. A highlight or two?


--From The New York Times:
He offered a government that does not try to solve every problem but will do those things beyond the power of individual citizens: to regulate the economy fairly, keep the air clean and the food safe, ensure that the sick have access to health care, and educate children to compete in a globalized world...

He committed himself to ending a bloody and pointless war. He promised to restore Americans’ civil liberties...
-- From The Washington Post:
He has the opportunity finally to set the country on a path to help reduce global warming. He has far-reaching plans on energy, health care and education
-- Chicago Trib:
Obama won by appealing to a deep yearning for national reconciliation and unity that spans partisan divides.
The more I find, I'll post. Just wait for it, the "cut him some slack" defense which will inevitably come from Obama's quarters. Not a chance.

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