21 November 2008

A Fresh Helping of Hate

There's so much happening in the world, so many things to comment on and report, but I reject all such worldly distractions. I come to you today singing a single note:

"In War: Resolution.

In Defeat: Defiance." -- W. Churchill

"I always made one prayer to God, a very short one. Here it is: "O Lord, make our enemies quite ridiculous!" God granted it." -- Voltaire

Boys, win this one for the long suffering fans everywhere, like this brave young man from the belly of the beast:

Rest easy, my son. You've got a whole life of gainful employment awaiting you, unlike your classmates.

There is truly nothing redeeming about these people:

They are a blight upon my planet. Every tear they shed is a drop of joy in my cup.

I leave you with Capt. Picard addressing the faithful:

Amen, and amen.

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