12 November 2008

Meet The New Boss, Part 2

Man, I thought this would be a once-or-twice-a-month special, but looks like I was wrong:

From Congressional Quarterly:

Here’s some change that supporters of President-elect Obama may not want to see: all of the policy commitments on specific issues have been removed from his transition Web site.

On Nov. 7, global health advocates noticed that some of the details of Obama’s “fight global poverty” statement had been removed. Specifically, the site no longer promised to fully fund debt cancellation for the world’s poorest countries or provide the full U.S. contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

These posters are going to be a great collection someday.

You know, I wish all politicians had these make-your-own posters on their websites. It's really not a partisan thing with Obama, it's just that he's made it so easy to do.

(H/T: Geraghty at the Campaign Spot)

1 comment:

Hehoff said...

It's the Ministry of Truth at it again. Big Brother is watching, Chris. You're on the verge of thoughtcrime.